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New Software Distribution and Patch template are grayed out


I wanted to create a template for Software Distribution Tasks and eventually for Patch tasks but the options are grayed out from the "New" button in the Schedule Tasks tool.  Is this no longer an option or created elsewhere? It would be handy to be able to have default settings for new tasks.


Just upgraded to 2018.1 SU1.






Need help with LD error code (16386)




I have set up ACDSee for deployment but the push job goes to Failed even when the installation is successful.


The ACDSee msi does actually prompt for a reboot after installation but this is halted due to LD using REBOOT=ReallySuppress.

In earlier distributions I have bypassed the 'Failed' status creating a batch script which returns Code 0 instead



However in this case I can't find any msi return code which is related to a reboot required,

would have been great if anyone could have a look at the LD log and clarify why LD returns a Failed status in this case:


Note that in this case ACDSee is successfully installed and the machine is not rebooted,

ACDSee works as it should:


Processing package : ACDSee


Log snippet was too large for migration - put into attachment. Nick Evans

Error installing Citrix client


Hi guys...



I am having trouble deploying the Citrix ICA client. I have created a custom install of the client and have compiled it into an MSI however when i try to deploy it as an msi from LANDesk using the MSI deployment option I get this error log


Log attached.





Any idea what is causing this???

Trouble deploying MSI Packages


I have been trying to deploy Symantec Norton Antivirus v10.2 to a machine as an MSI.  The delivery method is just a push,(download from source and then run immediatley).


The files have downloaded, but it keeps failing when running the MSI. Here is the log.

Log attached.


Any suggestions?

Policies not downloaded by all computers with LD8.8 SP2


I've some troubles with applying policies to some computers after we upgraded to Landesk 8.8 with SP2.

Some computers are not downloading any policies at all. None of the policies becomes available, not the required nor the listed or Launchpad policies.

There's no logic for on what computers this occurs. We've seen this issue on new installed computers also, and it is random, not related to computer type or software.

It is possible that our support engineers are installing 4 identical computers and that 2 of them gets all policies correctly and 2 of them none of the policies.


I did already some troubleshooting by rebuilding the LDClientDB database or by starting a manual sync.  (policy.sync.exe and policy.client.invoker.exe) but non of them helps.  On the core servers is everything fine, the policies had been made available for these computers.

I openened an client database with a SQL viewer, and I can't find any task/policy releated info in it.

I've checked the client log files and it looks like that there's something going wrong during processing of all the xml files. there are errors in the log files.

Maybe someone knows what's happens here. Log files:


From the Policy.sync.log:

Deploying Office 2010 on LDMS 9.0sp2 Problems


Hello everyone,


I’m having trouble distributing Office 2010 to a Windows 7 desktop.


I’m using the instructions from BKM for Installing MS Office 2007 with LDMS version 9.0


Without going into much detail, the package copies all the necessary files to c:\program files\landesk\ldclient\sdmcache.  Based on the log file on the pc (sdclient_task16) 309 files have been copied.  Here is what the last line of the log file looks like:

Screen 1.jpg

And then it times out (after 4 hours or so).  It never runs the setup.exe.  If I go over to the PC and run the setup.exe it runs fine.  What am I missing?


Here are the details of my package:



Screenshots attached.


Sorry for all the screen prints.  Any help would be greatly appreciated since I have to deploy this package to 100 PCs both here in NYC and NH.


Thanks in advance.



Problem distributing a vbscript to Windows 7




I have a script which modifies the registry and creates a shortcut for an application. It runs well under xp and if I download it to a Windows 7 box and run it there it works perfectly. However, when I try to schedule it as a task to distribute it , it fails. It fails on a package deployment error 255. Here is an example of the log and script:

How to invoke a process on a remote computer under a specified identity


It is sometimes useful to invoke an application on a remote device using a specified user context instead of the LocaSystem user.


To achieve this result, it is possible to use the attached VBS that uses WMI to invoke a process on a remote machine.


There are some limitations:


  • The machine should not have the personal firewall on or it needs to be configured for WMI remote invocation.

  • The process can not be interactive ( so no GUI )

  • The process can not be called from the same computer when the script runs (this script can't run locally):
    If the script is executed on COMPUTER-A it is not possible to use the script with the option /COMPUTER:COMPUTER-A

  • The script is given AS IS, unsupported and without any express warranty. This process does not use any LANDESK files or processes.




runAS /USERNAME:username /PASSWORD:password /COMPUTER:computer /COMMAND:program to run


NOTE: it is suggested to invoke the script with the CSCRIPT interpreter.

How to set up an HTTP share for a Preferred Package Share

Information on how to debug your Preferred Server configuration can be found here: How to debug why my preferred server config isn’t being used (Preferred server doesn't work)

For configuring a Preferred Server on a Core Server see the following Community Document:  http://community.landesk.com/support/docs/DOC-1385


Creating an HTTP share for a Preferred Package Server

Create a folder on your Preferred Package Server - This folder MUST be the same structure as your root folder on your primary package server.



If the primary package server URL is ..\Program Files\directory1\appname\application.exe

Your preferred package server would be ..\Program Files\directory1\appname\application.exe.


Replicate all the files and folders associated with the original package root to the new folder created on the preferred server.
Any file replication software can be used to automate this process. It is recommended to use LANDesk Content Replication to preserve the hash and to make file management easier.


  1. Install IIS if it is not already installed on your server.
  2. Add the MIME type ".* octetstream/application” to the “DefaultWebsite”. This is done under the properties of the “DefaultWebsite”. If any files have no extension, you will also need to add a . to the Mime Types.
  3. Create a new Virtual Directory in IIS with the same name as the root folder.
    Again, the file structure needs to match identically on your main package server and your preferred package server. If these shares do not match then the file transfer will fail.

    For Example:
    If the primary package server URL is:  http://packageserver/directory1/appname/application.exe
    Your preferred package server would be: http://preferred_package_server/directory1/appname/application.exe

  4. Make sure this Virtual Directory gets “Read” and “Directory Browse” rights.
  5. Assign the IUSR_ account Read and Execute NTFS permissions to the new folder


For Windows 2008 and IIS 7.5, please visit How to set up a Preferred Server in IIS 7.5

How to use a Transform (MST) File


Using a Transform File


A transform file (.mst) is file that passes customized configuration settings to the MSI installer package. Information about the customized setup of a package, application configuration, or a variety of other customizations is contained in the transform file. These customizations are typically unique to a specific environment.


Once a transform file is created, the transform file needs to be added to the package as an additional file.



To use a transform file that was added as an additional file, the TRANSFORMS= command must be part of the command line.

For example, If you had a package that had a .mst file called test.mst the command line would need to contain TRANSFORMS=test.mst. LANDesk will then build the command line for msiexec.exe to look something like this:

msiexec.exe /i example.msi TRANSFORMS=test.mst

This would install the application (/i) and use the specified transform file. This example also assumes that the transform file is in the same directory as the msi. In the event that they transform file is not in the same directory the path would need to be specified.

msiexec.exe /i example.msi TRANSFORMS=c:\your_directory\test.mst


The msiexec.exe command is called by LANDESK and does not need to be specified in the command line and the install switch is added to the command line automatically for you. The only additional parameter required to use the transform file is the TRANSFORMS= command. Other parameters may be specified based on the requirements of the package.

When calling a transform file from the command line TRANSFORMS must be in all capital letters. Also note that there is no / or \ for TRANSFORMS.


This is what it should look like in the console:


How to connect to EPM APIs ?




Starting from EPM 2017.3, two news API are available : PatchAPI and DistributionAPi. This article intends to describe how to obtain an access token to be able to use them and how to query them. The present document doesn't apply to older EPM/LDMS versions or to legacy API (called MBSDK). We will describe one way to interact with APsI using the third party software Postman. Many different ways exist, including Powershell or C# scripting.

WARNING : Postman isn't a tool created nor managed by Ivanti. We are not liable for any malfunction when using it.

Get the token


First we will have to register our application in the IdentityServer with a client id and shared secret :


1. Go the core server and open C:\ProgramData\LANDesk\ServiceDesk\My.IdentityServer

2. Backup the file IdentityServer3.Core.Models.Client.json

3. Edit it and add at the beginning, after the first bracket :


{    "Enabled": true,    "ClientId": "roclient",    "ClientSecrets": [      {        "Description": "roclient",        "Value": "secret",        "Expiration": null,        "Type": "SharedSecret"      }    ],    "Flow": 4,    "AllowAccessToAllScopes": true,    "AllowedScopes": []  },


Where secret will be your shared secret and roclient your client id.


4. Save the file.

5. Download the app Postman on the official website.

6. Install the software. You can install it on any device able to communicate with core server.

7. Open Postman.

8. Create a new request as prompted and save it wherever you want.

9. Type the following URL in front of the GET method : https://yourcoreserver/my.identityserver/identity/connect/token

10. Choose the authorization type "OAuth 2.0"



11. Click "Get New Access Token".


Token Name will be the name used by the token in Postman. Choose whatever you want.

Access Token URL is the same as previously : https://yourcoreserver/my.identityserver/identity/connect token

Username : username of an EPM admin

Password : password of an EPM admin

Client ID : defined previously in configuration file

secret : defined previously in configuration file

Scope : openid



12. Click Request Token.


You now have an access token for EPM API !


Use the token


A documentation regarding available API calls can be obtained there :

- https://yourcoreserver/DistributionApi/swagger/

- https://yourcoreserver/PatchApi/swagger/


1. Copy the token obtained from previous step.

2. Go to Authorization, choose Bearer Token and paste it in Token field. Click Preview Request. The token is going to be inserted automatically in the header field.


3. Choose the HTTP method you want to use (i.e GET, POST, PUT ...).

4. Fill the URL you want to use as described in documentation. Make sure to use HTTP only, not HTTPS (as example : http://yourcoreserver/distributionapi/api/v1/DistributionAndPatchSettings).

5. If you are using a HTTP method that requires a body (POST as example), choose Body.

6. Make sure to select raw and JSON.




7. Paste the parameters to pass on the field below as described in documentation.

8. Click Send : API call is made.

Common Base Agent Status Not loaded


Hi there  ,


for several machines the agent common base not loaded ( attachment capture ) .


i tried to uninstall the agent and reinstall it but the same problem



Thank you

What's New for Software Distribution in 2018.3




EPM 2018.3 contains a handful of new features to the Software Distribution tools that are helpful in streamlining the process of building packages and streamlining deployments. The new features are listed below, and the attached document contains more information about each one.




  1. Automated MSI Transform Generator.
    1. Customize compatible MSI installs with an MSI Transform file.
  2. LDReboot wil restart Windows Registered Apps.
    1. When checked we will use the "Shutdown /g" command to reboot, instead of vulscan.exe.
  3. Variables for Windows Actions Packages
    1. Variables are controlled by an Agent setting.
    2. Currently only applies to Windows Actions Packages
    3. Sensitive variables are encrypted, and require the Enhanced Client Security feature be enabled to decrypt.
  4. Windows Actions Packages allow for a description to be entered for each action.

Ivanti Endpoint Manager and Endpoint Security - Software Distribution Frequently Asked Questions


Software Distribution for Ivanti Endpoint Manager and Endpoint Security

This is a list of highly recommended documents for increasing overall knowledge of this component.

The articles listed below are applicable to Ivanti Management Suite 2018, 2017, 2016 and 9.6


If you want to review additional content regarding this component, please see the Documents or Discussions buttons on the overview page.


General InformationInitial Install and Configuration

Product Help Locations

IEM 2017.3 | IEM 2017.1 | LDMS 2016 | LDMS 9.6

Momentum On-Demand Webinars


What's New for Software Distribution in 2018.3

Whats new for Software Distribution in EPM 2018.1

E-Learning - Software Distribution

About Task Status Scrubber
How To: Get Started Using the New Rollout Projects Tool for Software Distribution

How to Configure a Preferred Package Server

How to set up an HTTP share for a Preferred Package Share

Using LANDesk Content Replication

Best known methods to configure and use Fuse

Best Known Methods for Installing Office 365 Click-to-Run



Additional Options and Information

Troubleshooting this Component

About Distribution and Patch Bandwidth Throttling (Advanced)

How to keep files in the SDMCACHE directory for a longer period of time

SDCLIENT.EXE Command Line Switches

Understanding Batch File Distribution Packages

Working With Registry Keys in a Batch File

How to use Reboot Settings

Time Zone Aware Targeting for Distribution Tasks

Whats new for LDMS 9.6 SP1 Software Distribution

Scheduled Tasks and Diagnostics Utility


How to troubleshoot Software Distribution

How to troubleshoot a Software Distribution Task - Client Side

How to troubleshoot Software Distribution Tasks - Core Side

How to troubleshoot Download Failures in Software Distribution (Advanced)

The Scheduler Service stops after each completed task

Troubleshooting "Failed to download additional files"


Notice: Any E-Learning content is available by default to Members who have a minimum support agreement at the Professional level.


This article is not a comprehensive list of documents and issues. You can continue to search the rest of the community or the portion specific to Software Distributionif this page hasn't help

About "Automatically restart Registered Applications" in LDReboot




  • Checkbox “Automatically restart registered applications” in the LDReboot prompt.
  • Client side UI only, not configurable in the Reboot Agent Setting. Box is not checked by default.
  • Uses “shutdown.exe /g" instead of vulscan to initiate the reboot.
  • Applications have to register themselves with Windows in order to take advantage of this => mostly only works with Microsoft apps
  • Usually won’t save open documents
  • Works on Vista+, greyed out on older systems.

Screen Shot 2018-10-29 at 1.24.20 PM.png

Issue: LDAPWhoAmI.exe triggers smartcard reader dialog box




During Inventory scan or Software Distribution task LDAPWhoami.exe triggers smartcard reader dialog box (on the devices with smartcard reader installed).


Example 1:

Example 2:



Changes implemented in the product in version EPM 2017.3 within ldapinfo.dll code (used by ldapwhoami.exe). Ldapinfo.dll is part of the agent package so the issue is client-oriented.




Replace ldapinfo.dll with the file from a previous version of EPM (attached to this document) on affected devices. If you encounter this issue in your environment, please raise a case with Ivanti.

Error: "Failed to load packages" in Portal Manager when refreshing



Logon to system using domain user, In Portal Manager, click on Refresh, it pops up the error 'failed to load packages' while using local admin doesn't have the issue


Info shown in Policysync.exe.log:

10/17/2016 16:08:06 INFO  8392:1     RollingLog : Run PolicySync.exe

10/17/2016 16:08:06 INFO  8392:3     RollingLog : LoadLocalPolicyInfo: load local machine

10/17/2016 16:08:07 INFO  8392:3     RollingLog : LoadLocalPolicyInfo: load user

10/17/2016 16:08:10 INFO  8392:4     RollingLog : Request: failed get target info.

10/17/2016 16:08:10 INFO  8392:1     RollingLog : PolicySync: failed request

10/17/2016 16:08:10 INFO  8392:1     RollingLog : Exit PolicySync.exe with code -3


Info shown in Policysync.log:

Mon, 17 Oct 2016 16:08:10 GetLdapInfo: ldapwhoami.exe failed - err=-2147463168

Mon, 17 Oct 2016 16:08:10 GetLdapInfo: use cached logon info

Mon, 17 Oct 2016 16:08:10 GetLdapInfo: not a valid ldapinfo, return E_FAIL



Open CMD window, run ldapwhoami.exe (located at C:\Program Files (x86)\LANDesk\LDClient)

In the output, there are special characters in the OU name.

In my case, the special character was '/'

Note: There is no limitation for OU name in the domain controller, this is an unsupported character by Ivanti EPM.



Change the OU name to not contain any special characters.

How to use Ivanti EPM Content Replication


More information about how a replication job works can be found in LANDESK Content Replication Process





There are a few components involved in the Content Replication process that are all used to create and manage a replication setup.


Ivanti Endpoint Manager Console

The configuration of all settings is done in the Ivanti EPM Console. The console also contains information about running, pending, and unscheduled tasks. There is also a task history with progress, status and logs for each replication task. Additionally, the console allows the Ivanti EPM administrator to quickly stop any running replication jobs or disable job(s) from running in the future. For more information about the tools available in the Ivanti Endpoint Manager Console see:


Ivanti EPM Content Replication - Console Options and Tools


Preferred servers (Targets)

These are the preferred servers that the clients will use to download files from. They are also the target servers that files will be replicated to from a source location. Any existing configuration of the Preferred servers will persist through an upgrade and can still operate as preferred servers only, without replication if desired. For more information about all the configuration options available for a Preferred server please see:


Ivanti EPM Content Replication - Preferred Server (Target) Configuration.


The Preferred servers will continue to operate the same way they did with previous versions of Ivanti EPM. Clients will attempt to get files from Preferred servers first, before attempting to get them from the original source location. More information about how Preferred servers work and support clients can be found here:


How to Configure a Preferred Package Server

How to set up an HTTP share for a Preferred Package Share

Using Preferred Server in Patch Manager


Some of the configuration steps in the documents above have changed. For current configuration options see the various updated documents listed here.


The Preferred server must have identical shares that match any Source that is replicated to them. That means if \\FileServer\Software is replicating to PreferredServer1, then PreferredServer1 must have a Software share (\\PreferredServer1\Software). These shares must be created manually, but any folders inside the shares can be created by the replication process.


A Preferred server that will be a target for replication can be any UNC compatible device, including NAS devices.


A Source can also be a Preferred server. For example, a "master" Source may replicate to "child" Sources. Then those "child" Sources replicate to more Preferred servers. In this case, a "child" Source would be both a Preferred server (for the "master" source) and a Source (for the final Preferred servers).



A source is any UNC or HTTP share that contains data and files that need to be replicated to Preferred servers. A source can be configured as an entire share or a specific folder inside a share. All subfolders and files are included as part of the source. For example, if a source is configured as \\FileServer\Software, it will include all the files and folders inside the Software share. However, if it is configured as \\FileServer\Software\Microsoft, it will only include the files and folders inside the Microsoft folder. For more information on the configuration of a Source see:


Ivanti EPM Content Replication - Source Configuration


Any number of Sources can be configured. They can overlap if needed. They can all be managed independently and assigned to any combination of Preferred servers as needed to suit the environment. The share names must match and already be configured on any Target Preferred servers, but any subfolders will be created by the replication process.


A Source can also be a Preferred server. For example, a "master" Source may replicate to "child" Sources. Then those "child" Sources replicate to more Preferred servers. In this case, a "child" Source would be both a Preferred server (for the "master" source) and a Source (for the final Preferred servers).



A Replicator is any Windows-based managed node and must be a Windows-based managed node. The Replicator is the machine that will do the replication work. It will identify which files and folders on the source need to be copied to the Preferred server (Target) then download those files and push them to the Preferred server (Target). The device used as the Replicator will need to have enough storage for the files being replicated to be stored in the cache.


The replication process is managed on the client machine by the LANDESK Local Scheduler and the client process that performs the replication is vulscan.exe. The Replicator configuration allows for scheduling replication, including a true maintenance window as well as bandwidth restrictions as needed. For information on configuring a Replicator see:


Ivanti EPM Content Replication - Replicator Configuration


During a replication job the Replicator will identify which files are missing from the Preferred server. It will then download those files from the Source and push those files to the Preferred server. All files that are downloaded to be pushed to Preferred servers will remain in the Replicator's cache. The time to keep these files can be configured in the Replicator settings. For details on the file replication process see:


Ivanti EPM Content Replication Process


A Replicator can be configured on a Source or a Preferred server. In this case, a single device would serve 2 roles. Also the device will have 2 copies of all files that were replicated. One in the share location and one in the SDMCache.


If the SDMCache is on the same drive as the share (C:\Program Files\LANDESK\LDClient\SDMCache and C:\Share, or D:\SDMCache and D:\Share) Ivanti EPM will try to create a hard link so that there is only one physical copy of the data on the disk, even though it can be found in two logical locations.

A single Replicator can handle any number of independent Sources and Preferred servers (Targets). However, a Preferred server can only have ONE replicator assigned to it.

Replication Scenarios

A large variety of configurations and scenarios can be set up to meet many file replication needs using Ivanti EPM Content Replication. These vary from a single Source and single Preferred server to dozens of Sources and hundreds of Preferred servers, each needing different sets of files. Most needs can be met with good planning and some creativity. To get started, a few scenarios can be found here:


Ivanti EPM Replication - Scenarios


These scenarios are meant as a starting point or ideas in developing a replication configuration. Not all of the scenarios are in use in a production environment and should be carefully tested.

Error: "Failed to download additional files"



When running a Software Distribution task the task fails with the error "Failed to download all additional files".


Here we provide a few suggestions on how to resolve this issue.



Reset the package hash

A common issue when getting the error “FAILED TO DOWNLOAD ALL ADDITIONAL FILES—TASK MANIFEST” is that the hash on the file has been modified. Try resetting the hash on the package.



Gather client logs that can assist in Troubleshooting

  • C:\Program Files\LANDesk\LDClient\data\sdclient_task#.log
  • C:\Program Files\LANDesk\LDClient\sdclient.log
  • C:\Program Files\LANDesk\LDClient \ tmcsvc.log
  • C:\Program Files\LANDesk\Shared Files\proxyhost.log
  • C:\Program Files\LANDesk\LDClient\ SDClientTask.[Core-Name].[task#].log


Verify that the files can be downloaded


Refer to the above logs to determine which file is having a difficult time downloading.

From the agent workstation, try to download the Task Manifest file as local system manually as directed below:


In this example replace “core” with the name of your Core Server. The #### below will need to be replaced with the Task ID.   (To gather the task ID right-click the scheduled task and select "Info".  The ID # will be in the top right)


“C:\Program Files\LANDesk\LDClient\sdclient.exe” /f /p="Http://core/ldlogon/filelists/taskmanifest####.inI"

If successful the task manifest file will be downloaded to ..\Program Files\LANDesk\LDClient\sdmcache\


Where Core Server Name is


"C:\Program Files\LANDesk\LDClient\sdclient.exe" /f /p="Http://LDMS2016:9592/ldlogon/filelists/taskmanifest.LDMS2016.8.3.ini"


In this example there is no need to replace “localhost”, but you do need to replace the #### with your Task ID. When you use localhost Windows resolves that to the client computer's address that the command is initiated from. The purpose of doing this is to use sdclient to redirect the request properly. If this is successful then proxyhost and lddwnld are most likely working properly.


C:\Program Files\LANDesk\LDClient\sdclient.exe /f /p="Http://localhost:9592/ldogon/filelists/taskmanifest####.ini"




"C:\Program Files\LANDesk\LDClient\sdclient.exe" /f /p="Http://localhost:9592/ldlogon/filelists/taskmanifest.LDMS88.8.3.ini"



Get the sdclient_task##.log


Enable XTrace


  1. How to enable Xtrace Diagnostic Logging
  2. Get the proxyhost.log
  3. Make sure that the proxyhost.log says that the result was 200 for the web request (see bolded below).

2007-01-19 15:55:47(1692-952) proxyhost.exe:Made direct (non-proxy) connection to STL-NT-LD1:80
2007-01-19 15:55:47(1692-952) proxyhost.exe: Connection close 0 0 0 0
2007-01-19 15:55:47(1692-952) proxyhost.exe: - LANDesk.Gateway [19/Jan/2007:09:55:47 -0600] "HEAD http://LANDesk.Gateway@ HTTP/1.1" 200 97 354
2007-01-19 15:55:47(1692-952) proxyhost.exe: EOS on request


Resultant error codes that can indicate a problem:

404 –Indicates that the package share is not reachable.

401 – Indicates that the package share cannot be accessed. This indicates a permission issue.

503 – Indicates a possible performance issue with IIS.

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